Sexological Bodywork is body-focused sex coaching that opens up new opportunities for people to explore and expand their sexuality. We approach your concerns both in conversation and through bodywork.
With the following topics you are in the right place in a Sexological Bodywork session:
You wish for more acceptance of your body and your pleasure
You want to increase your body awareness, expand your sexual playing field and get to know more pleasure points
You want to solve sexual blockades
With all topics related to orgasm, arousal and erection
You wish to experience deeper levels of intimacy with yourself and/or a partner
You want to learn to better perceive your needs and boundaries and to communicate them with others
You are willing to actively participate in your development process and continue researching at home
The session is divided into a preliminary talk, body work and a follow-up talk. It lasts from two and a half to three hours, with conversation and body work taking up a similar amount of time.
The price is CHF 360. If this is beyond your financial possibilities, please contact me.
Vieles, wenn auch nicht alles, ist auch online möglich. In einem Gespräch gehen wir deinem Anliegen auf den Grund . Ich gebe dir in der Online Session sowohl auf mentaler wie auch auf körperlicher und emotionaler Ebene Impulse, die dich unterstützen, dein Thema zu bewegen. Du entscheidest, wie tief du gehen magst.
Die Online Session kostet CHF 130 pro Stunde. Falls das ausserhalb deiner finanziellen Möglichkeiten liegt, nimm Kontakt mit mir auf.
Have you ever used your sexual ecstasy to create abundance in your life?
Sexuality has an incredible potential for creation. This can flow not only into the creation of a new human being, but also into the realization of our dreams and intentions.
My approach to tantric massage has a lot to do with transformation. We awaken and use your sexual power to strengthen you for your everyday life. Together we direct it so that your authentic being will take more space in you and you will be able to effortlessly take your next steps and make upcoming changes.
To do this, I first accompany you in conversation to discover your wishes and intentions and the blockages that still stand in the way of these. Then I use tools from the therapy form ThetaHealing to show us how to release these obstacles in the massage and open your system for expansion. I work primarily on the physical and energetic levels during Tantric Bodywork. Methodically, I combine the sensual, loving and erotic touch of Tantric massage with the energetically working Craniosacral Therapy. It may also be that your emotions are addressed and come into flow during the massage. There is space for all of this. Just as desire, ecstasy and pleasure are very welcome.
The bodywork is arranged as a ritual and is completed with integrating rest and a reflection talk.
Tantric massage offers a wonderful way to encounter your sexuality in a whole new way. It is not meant to repeat your normal sexual patterns, but to show you something new. So be curious, let go of all your previous concepts of sex and let your body and the space lead you to your own essence.
Duration and cost
All in all the session lasts two to four hours and the price is CHF 450. If this is out of your financial possibilities, contact me.
ehemals "Ganzheitliche Frauenheilmassage"
With the pregnancy massage I accompany you through this special transition in your life. The full body massage helps you to connect with your body and the child, to achieve deep relaxation and self-confidence for the upcoming birth.
At your request, I am happy to integrate elements of tantra massage and sexological bodywork to comprehensively support your pelvis, expand it and prepare, open and heal the birth canal.
The session lasts two to three hours, including a pre- and follow-up talk.
It takes place in my practice or, under certain circumstances, at your home.
The price is CHF 360. If this is out of your financial possibilities, contact me.
Ganzheitliche Frauenheilmassage Mannea bei Andrea Eberhardt, 2023
Pränatal- und Geburtstherapeutin i.A.: Diplomlehrgang in Winterthur, 2022 – 2024
Embryologie Seminar bei Jaap van der Wal, 2023
Einführung ins ThetaHealing bei Michèle Brand, 2022
Berufserfahrung im Tantramassage-Institut Dakini in Zürich, 2018-2023
Einführung in die Craniosacral Therapie bei Christel Schnabel, 2021
Sexological Bodywork IISB®: Diplomlehrgang in Zürich, 2017 – 2019
Trainings in Gefühlsarbeit, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und Potenzialentfaltung, u.A. in Possibility Management, seit 2015
Jahrelange intensive Prozessarbeit, Trauma- und Beziehungsarbeit und Forschung am Mensch-Sein in verschiedenen Lebensgemeinschaften, in welchen ich die letzten Jahre lebte.
My greatest passion is the research, development and implementation of new forms of living together. These forms place love, vitality and the healthy blossoming of every being at their center.
In my early twenties, after my first years of sexual activity, I was frustrated, confused and unsatisfied. "Is this really what sex is supposed to be?" I asked myself. And so I embarked on a journey to find out what my sexual essence was, what I wanted and didn't want, and which of my experiences and social conditioning I needed to sort out and heal along the way. A journey that is still ongoing and taking deeper and deeper forms. It would be untrue to say that my questions are getting less in the process.
Sex is an area that is still so relegated to taboo by society and at the same time is visible everywhere in a very one-sided way. Naturally, this leads to extreme confusion in our relationship to sexuality and in our sexual identity. This confusion often prevents us from meeting each other lovingly and in healthy unfoldment, as it is in my vision. That is why I dedicate myself to this topic. I follow the intention to contribute to the collective liberation and reintregration of sexuality as an essential part of ourselves.
Prenatal and natal therapist i.T.: Diploma course in Winterthur, 2022 – 2024
Embryology: Seminar with Jaap van der Wal, 2023
Introduction to ThetaHealing by Michèle Brand, 2022
Work experience in the Tantric Massage Institute Dakini in Zurich, 2018-2023
Introduction into Craniosacral Therapy with Christel Schnabel, 2021
Sexological Bodywork IISB®: Diploma course in Zurich, 2017 – 2019
Trainings in emotional work and potential development, i.a. in Possibility Management, since 2015
Years of intense process work, trauma and relationship work and research on being human in various communities in which I have lived in recent years.
I work in Eastern Switzerland.
More information through
direct contact.
+41 79 766 69 20
IBAN: CH55 0070 0112 1002 0433 6